
Sunday, January 23, 2005
the constructs of mating

i wasn't some doxy from the wharves. but when i woke up cold, naked under the sheets, with the thermostat on too low and an empty, mocking space beside me, female indignation kicked in. why in hell would he leave when we were having so much fun? okay, so i was dead to the world and maybe not that much fun at all, but i would have appreciated a warning.

i bolted upright and tried to get out of bed, fumbling as my legs got caught in a tangle of every imaginable fabric—cotton, chiffon, silk, denim, lace, more cotton. i was ready to leave no stone unturned if that was what it took for me to get my hands on his little escapist self.

and then i saw him.

his back was to the window at the end of the room. his posture was relaxed, his face free from the ravages of worry, his head encircled with a shimmering halo of sunlight, his hand holding his...


i suppose he was indulging in some twisted sort of intellectual masturbation. but still, he had left my side for a book. on any other day, i would have been oddly touched, since he's not (and i am) one of those people who'd take a book with them on the proverbial deserted island. but the fact that he had jumped ship to get it on with some drab, disconsolate, university-fellating doodad instead of, say, machiavelli or achebe made me sting a little. just a little.

by then, my mind was reeling from a hundred episodes of retribution. and i was so ready to launch a full-scale, vindication-driven assault in response to the little stunt he pulled. but before i could pursue the first stage of my brilliant attack plan, he looked up, smiled and said, "hello, love." and then i melted.

so today, i know that i am in way over my head. i was testy and hormonal, yet i still dissolved into a puddle of need after waking up to find him reading HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW instead of keeping me toasty.

i also know that i will let this incident slide. but i am not enough of a ninnyhammer to let him go on thinking that i am too forgiving. in the future, i will make sure i go to wharton just to annoy him.

but for now, i'll get back to bed and give him that urgent look. the one that says: hello. boy. me. naked. cold. come. here. now.

i rode north at 9:51 PM
36 kph
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