
Tuesday, December 07, 2004


a beautiful word, that one. jackassery. used to decribe me writing that 621 (634 if you count the quote)-word monstrosity that was yesterday's post. it's the longest piece of copy i've written so far, and about love even. if i keep writing such treatises so long that their printouts can be wrapped around the earth's equator twice, i'll lose my job, where concise is king. my boyfriend is bad for business.

22 kph

retarius pedaled up to say...

wow, you are right, jackassery is a pretty cool word, i love how it trills off the toungue. i must overuse it the first chance i get. if your boyfreind is bad for business, perhaps you are in the wrong business, at least while you have him. regarding the note you left on my blog...trans (may i call you trans?) you are TOO much kind...thank you very nice.

7:20 PM
JErm pedaled up to say...

while i am one i would have to agree! ;p

8:17 PM
transience pedaled up to say...

retarius >> trans is fine. and you're welcome. off the record, though, i tried some free writing of my own and i sucked. big time. so for now, i'll languish in the stuff that you do and hopefully, be inspired.

JErm >> really now.

9:51 PM
monsterspank pedaled up to say...

I wouldn't say concise was king and I have one on there probably around a 3000 word count. It all depends on what you are looking to read. If you want movie trailers, book snippets, then concise is great, tells you what you need to know. However.. if you want to go on a journey of the psyche.. that's where people like us come in.. Jackassery is the belief that you need to conform to the concise masses.. fuck the mainstream!

Yeah, you know who.

10:02 PM
transience pedaled up to say...

you make "fuck" sound so eloquent.

and i only say concise is king because ad copy should be concise and i'm a copywriter and concise ad copy is what clients want and i should probably switch off work mode now because my strep throat is getting worse and i need some sleep.

yeah, well after that reply...fuck concise.

10:28 PM
ninjato pedaled up to say...

Heh...I agree it is a cool word...thank god I haven't had the opportunity to use it in that capacity, nor do I plan to...ever...of course I might be liable to eat my words but at the moment I'm pretty comfortable with what I just said =)

Am back after a week-long hiatus but am doing an article right now (which will be due on Friday. Although am itching to blog, am trying to fight the urge to once again procrastinate and cram everything on the last night, so might not appear again before the weekend, most likely will just pop up here and there =)

12:04 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

hehe. even if you don't find time to post, you find time to visit this girl's blog and leave a comment. you're one of the best scorpions i know.

3:46 AM
JErm pedaled up to say...

in your case i would say concise is goddess.. but what the hell fuck concise!!

7:48 AM
JErm pedaled up to say...

besides i love it when you spread it all down.. ;p

7:49 AM
monsterspank pedaled up to say...

Yeahh.. "Fuccckkk" concise.. (said in raunchy english accent) people want concise they can read a bottled water label.

9:50 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

JErm >> thank you for reading yesterday's post from word 1 to 634. your attention span is laudable.

monsterspank >> love the accent. i haven't heard it yet, but yeah, i'm feeling the love right now.

10:24 AM
JErm pedaled up to say...

i read every byte down to the bits.. even your commas and dots and ones and zeros!! :)

10:46 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

such a stickler for details. hope everything-grammar, semantics, punctuation, yadda yadda-is in order.

4:25 PM
JErm pedaled up to say...

it's a curse i have to live with.. too bad i can't apply it to myself.. :(

5:39 PM
ennui pedaled up to say...

It's always in order even when you talk in your sleep ;>

5:39 PM
transience pedaled up to say...

JErm >> you seem to be doing pretty well on your own.

ennui >> the shame! you're starting to sound like mussolini. so what if i'm anal about things like that?

6:08 PM
monsterspank pedaled up to say...

Well.. "fuck" is a loving kinda word, isn't it? Then again it's a lot of things, handy dandy if you ask me! Like.. "fucking" google hasn't listed me yet, I'm lost in the void. Or.. I forgot where the "fuck" I put my putty trowel and.. that was a "fucking" good song on the radio.. yeah yeah.. heard it before. I just gave it a little personal moxie :) Oh yes, and someday I'll write on my own bloody "fucking" blog but I don't have "fuck" to say except that I'm one tired "fucker" from all this puttying & painting the "fucked-up" walls. 4 pointer. Sorry, you can delete this if you want lol

2:02 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

bwahahahahaha! too funny. too goddamn funny. did you even breathe through that one?

8:09 AM
monsterspank pedaled up to say...

Breathing is as overrated as brevity my dear

8:36 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

then i'm in big trouble.

8:47 AM
Anonymous pedaled up to say...

I know CPR!

7:11 AM
transience pedaled up to say...

i know .

9:38 AM

Pedal Up!
